Why “The Quarter Life Crisis?”

The Quarter Life Crisis may sound like I need some help. Which in a way I guess is true. But it is only me who can help myself. Don’t get me wrong, I am opened to ideas but sometimes you need to grab on to the reins yourself to truly feel like you are making a change.

We’ve wandered through life knowing the path we are supposed to take. In high school, it made perfect sense. Go to college, get a good job, make some money, get married, buy a house, have some kids and live your life how you please until you die. They never told us about the struggle to get there. Well, I got to college, realized I had no idea what I really wanted to do and ended up spending $23,000 in my first semester partying through the weeks. Life hit, holy shit, life hit. You don’t just pick a major and go with it. Graduate and make a bunch of money to continue on the “perfect path.” (as I thought) It is not that easy to be happy. I was miserable my first semester (even though the weekends were full of partying) I dropped out of college.

QUARTER LIFE CRISIS: Realizing it is time to “adult.” Realizing you are the only one that can make your dreams happen. You can’t just dream anymore, you have to do. Realizing adults really don’t have it all together like you thought. Realizing you can’t follow the perfect path if it doesn’t make you happy. Realizing life is HAPPENING and you better grab on to the reins and make shit happen.

So here I am, struggling day to day. Trying to figure out what my path is.  I have gone back to school three times in the past 4 year, dropped out every time. Realizing it was society pushing me back to college, it wasn’t what made me happy, it is what society said would.

The Quarter Life Crisis is a thing every 20 something year old goes through. When you are younger, the world is perfectly planned out. Adults had their lives together because they were adults, it just happens like that. Kids needed to listen to adults because they always know better, it was just that way. Well,here I am at 23, (which when I was 15, I used to think was SERIOUSLY old) struggling to piece my life together.

Over the past 3 years I have found my new obsession. (usually I am super obsessed with something for a month and completely drop the idea) So going on my fourth year, I think I am really on to something! Traveling is my passion and I want to encourage others to take on this wonderful world!

This blog is all about chasing my dreams as a traveler and building the rest of my life around exactly that.

Sine Metu,

The Quarter Life Crisis

8 thoughts on “Why “The Quarter Life Crisis?””

  1. OK firstly, I don’t think you need a degree if you don’t think you need a degree. What are you passionate about? What are you good at? Do those things and the rest will follow!!


  2. One of the worst advice and yet one of the best advice is “Follow your passion.” Things can slide fast. You believe education is probably degree into something. However, there are many activities that would allow you to travel more (On someone’s else dime).

    Do not put all eggs in one basket.


    1. Yes, exactly! that’s what this blog is about, accepting the fact that I am not shaped for the “getting a degree” life and pushing toward finding my passion! Travel is my passion and I’m finding a way to make it work for me! Thanks!


  3. Hi Shannon,
    I can completely relate to that crisis and need to tell you something, I am over 10 years older than you and adults don’t have everything figured out either! It’s only in my 30s that I decided to let go of that “conventional life” we are made to think is the only successful one and my major step was to pack my bags and live in Bali! So kudos to you to take a chance so early and follow your dreams! Don’t be afraid of the questions and “crisis”, they are a sign that you open up your world and your perspectives! And don’t think of a destination but rather of the journey and the experiences along the way, good and bad, but surely never boring! Best wishes to you
    Hasina > http://www.thetropicalnomad.com

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